My daughter's daycare is celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week this week. I had a million things to do the past weekend and yesterday to get ready for the HOW Design Live conference I am headed to today, but I squeezed in the time to put these bags together! It is the least I can do to show my appreciation to the amazing teachers who care for my daughter every day! I made bags for all the daycare teachers she has had and her current ones. I am very blessed to have such wonderful women taking care of my child and teaching her every day!
I know many businesses and schools celebrate this week and next (the official week), so, you have time to make these muffin bags too!
They are super easy to make. I designed a fun 4x6 card for the bags. You can get the download HERE.
There's "MUFFIN" like a great teacher!
I tied them in treat bags and placed them in brown paper lunch bags that I found at the DG (Dollar General to those of you not down with the lingo hehe)! GET MY BLUEBERRY MUFFIN RECIPE HERE

The finished product!

I needed to be packing for my trip, but, it was way more fun making these bags with my sweet little helper! (I told her to pose by the sweeeet is she?!)