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Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham Oreos + Cookie Card Printable

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! At my daughter's school they are celebrating Dr. Seuss all week, so, I thought it would be fun to send some treats to her class! This was a great activity to do with my 5 year old daughter and it took only about 15 minutes or less!

Here's what you need:

Place your royal icing (you can also use melted white chocolate) in the piping bag and create abstract flower shapes that are going to give you that great egg white look. The great thing about making the egg whites are that they don't have to be perfect, in fact, you don't want them to be to truly look like a cooked egg!

Then, simply place your green m&m on top and you have a precious little Dr. Seuss themed treat! It's a great no-bake activity for children!

Package in the cello bag and attach to the card. Easy Peezy!

I do so like green eggs and ham!

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! Get the book below!

For more party, holiday, baking ideas and more – Follow me on IG: @celebrationdaystudio


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